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Konrad Galczynski
Konrad GalczynskiSoftware Engineer @ Relativity

C# extension methods and testability

Learn how to design and implement C# extension methods to ensure great testability.
2.07.20209 min
C# extension methods and testability

Extension methods are a fascinating feature in C# that were introduced in C# 3.0. They are extremely useful as they enable us to add functionality to existing types without creating derived types, recompiling existing types, and even modifying them. Even though they are static methods they can be called in the same way as if they were instance methods. We typically would use extension methods when adding functionalities to collections, domain entities or data transfer objects, and predefined system types. 

When we read guidelines of extension methods, we usually see information on how to use them, in which namespace they belong and how to be prepared for changing contracts of an extended type.

However, one aspect of extension methods is often omitted: testability. First, there is the testability extension method on the unit level. Second, there is the testability of the code that uses an extension method. In the following paragraphs I will show you how extension methods impact testability. I have divided extension methods into three buckets: good citizens, neutral fellows, and mighty villains. 

​Good citizen

It is very easy to test extension methods that are good citizens. The code that uses them is also easy to test on the unit level. Let's take a look at the example of good citizens.

The first extension method is checking whether the HTTP status code indicates success or not.

internal static bool IsSuccess(this HttpStatusCode httpStatusCode)
    return ((int)httpStatusCode >= 200) && ((int)httpStatusCode <= 299);

You can write following test to test this method on unit level:

[TestCase(HttpStatusCode.SwitchingProtocols, false)]
[TestCase(HttpStatusCode.OK, true)]
[TestCase(HttpStatusCode.Created, true)]
[TestCase(HttpStatusCode.Ambiguous, false)]
public void ShouldCorrectlyDecideWhetherHttpStatusCodeIsSuccessful(HttpStatusCode httpStatusCode, bool expectedResult)
    var result = httpStatusCode.IsSuccess();

The unit test for the IsSuccess extension method is very simple and easy to write. Let's have a look at the testability of the code that uses the IsSuccess extension method. Below there is a very simple class with one public method that uses the IsSuccess extension method. This method is used to retrieve some data over the network. In case of receiving an unsuccessful response, error is logged and an empty object with data is returned. Please bear in mind that this implementation is oversimplified to show the testability aspect.

public class SomeDataRetriever
    private readonly HttpClient _httpClient;
    private readonly ILogger _logger;
    public SomeDataRetriever(HttpClient httpClient, ILogger logger)
        _httpClient = httpClient;
        _logger = logger;
    public async Task<SomeData> RetrieveSomeData(Uri requestUri)
        var response = await _httpClient.GetAsync(requestUri);
        if (!response.StatusCode.IsSuccess())
            _logger.Error("Error message");
            return new SomeData { IsEmpty = true };
        return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<SomeData>(await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync());

To test this class on the unit level we need to mock both HttpClient and ILogger. You cannot mock the IsSuccess method, so despite the fact we are testing SomeDataRetriever on a unit level, we will be also testing the behavior of the IsSuccess method. We need to know this trait of extension methods - when classes that use extension methods are unit tested not only the logic of these classes are tested. Extension methods logic is also tested. As a result, unit tests for class consuming extension methods can fail and the reason for this could be an error in extension method implementation. This is one of the negative impacts of extension methods on the testability of the classes that use them. Having said that, let's write a unit test for unsuccessfully retrieving data with SomeDataRetriever.

public void ShouldLogErrorAndReturnEmptyDataWhenRetrievingWasUnsuccessful()
    var handlerMock = new MockHttpMessageHandler();
    var httpClient = new HttpClient(handlerMock);
    var logger = Substitute.For<ILogger>();
    var uut = new SomeDataRetriever(httpClient, logger);
    var result = uut.RetrieveSomeData(new Uri("http://test.com"));
    logger.Received(1).Error("Error message");
public class MockHttpMessageHandler : HttpMessageHandler
    protected override Task<HttpResponseMessage> SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        return Task.FromResult(new HttpResponseMessage
            StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.BadRequest,

Unit testing of SomeDataRetriever is relatively simple. We need to create a mock for HttpMessageHandler as there is no possibility to mock HttpClient. Our MockHttpMessageHandler is returning HttpResponseMessage with status code set to 500 (BadRequest) so that we can test path for unsuccessful data retrieving. We must do so because we cannot mock the extension method and the actual implementation of IsSuccess will be run in this scenario.

​Neutral fellows

Neutral fellows are just neutral in terms of testability. You can test both the extension method and code that uses it on the unit level. You can ask what the difference is then between a neutral fellow and a good citizen? The difference is that usually it takes more effort to test code that uses neutral fellow's extension methods.

Example of extension method which behaves like a neutral fellow in terms of testability is presented below:

public static async Task<JobSummary> RunJobAsync(this IJobRestClient client, JobRequest job, CancellationToken token)
    var jobId = await client.PostJobAsync(job, token);
    var summary = await client.GetJobAsync(jobId, token);
    while (!summary.IsRunning)
        await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100), token);
        summary = await client.GetJobAsync(jobId, token);
    return summary;

It extends IJobRestClient which is used to start some jobs in a remote location. When a job start is requested, the job is queued. When resources are available to start a job, it is transferred to a running state. When a job finishes execution, it is moved to a completed state. IJobRestClient has only two methods:

  • PostJobAsyncwhich sends a request to start a new job
  • GetJobAsyncto retrieve a summary of a job

This extension method sends a request to start a new job and returns when the job is running (it is waiting for the time when the job is queued). It helps simplify client code which is interested only in jobs that are running now. Let's write some unit tests for it.

public async Task ShouldReturnCorrectSummaryWhenJobIsRunningRightAfterPost()
    var jobRestClient = Substitute.For<IJobRestClient>();
    var jobRequest = new JobRequest();
    var token = CancellationToken.None;
    const string jobId = "testJobId";
    jobRestClient.PostJobAsync(jobRequest, token).Returns(jobId);
    var jobSummary = new JobSummary
        IsRunning = true
    jobRestClient.GetJobAsync(jobId, token).Returns(jobSummary);
    var result = await jobRestClient.RunJobAsync(jobRequest, token);
    await jobRestClient.Received(1).GetJobAsync(jobId, token);

As you can see, testing this extension method is not difficult. We are creating a mock for the extended interface, creating input data, executing the extension method, and asserting on results. That’s nothing fancy. Let's move to the client code that uses this extension method.

public class ReportingJobRunner
    private readonly IJobRestClient _jobRestClient;
    private readonly IReportingSink _reportingSink;
    public ReportingJobRunner(IJobRestClient jobRestClient, IReportingSink reportingSink)
        _jobRestClient = jobRestClient;
        _reportingSink = reportingSink;
    public async Task RunJobAsync(JobRequest job, CancellationToken token)
        var summary = await _jobRestClient.RunJobAsync(job, token);

ReportingJobRunner run job using IJobRestClient and then reports summary to provided sink. Unit testing for such a simple decorator should be easy, right? In fact, it is not so easy as the extension method RunJobAsync cannot be mocked. The only solution for this is to mock IJobRestClient in a way that guarantees expected RunJobAsync behavior. Let's write a unit test that checks if a proper summary is reported.

public async Task ShouldReportJobSummaryToGivenSink()
    var jobRestClient = Substitute.For<IJobRestClient>();
    var reportingSink = Substitute.For<IReportingSink>();
    var uut = new ReportingJobRunner(jobRestClient, reportingSink);
    var jobRequest = new JobRequest();
    var token = CancellationToken.None;
    const string jobId = "testJobId";
    jobRestClient.PostJobAsync(jobRequest, token).Returns(jobId);
    var jobSummary = new JobSummary
        IsRunning = true
    jobRestClient.GetJobAsync(jobId, token).Returns(jobSummary);
    await uut.RunJobAsync(jobRequest, token);

Interestingly, the code inside the test is far more complicated than the code itself even though the tested method has two lines of code. The fact that it is not possible to mock the extension method is the reason for such a situation. To mock the behavior of RunJobAsync we need to know how it is implemented (we must look at its implementation). Then we must mock extended type IJobRestClient accordingly to have control over how our code behaves in the test. One thing to mention is that test code for testing ReportingJobRunner is very similar to test code for testing RunJobAsync extension method as we need to set up the same behavior for mocked extended type.

​Mighty villain

Now it is time to meet mighty villains. Extension methods are hard or impossible to test and which makes client code very hard or impossible to test on a unit level. There is an example of the villain extension method presented below.

public static IStorageClient GetHttpStorageClient(this IHttpClientFactory httpClientFactory, Options options)
    var clientBootstrapper = new Bootstrapper(httpClientFactory);
    return clientBootstrapper.CreateHttpStorageClient(options);

This method extends IHttpClientFactory so that HttpStorageClient can be created. Even though this method has only two lines, what makes it a mighty villain is the first line of its body: the line in which a new operator is used. Bootstrapper is not injected but created inside the extension method and this leads to problems with testing this method and impossibility to test client code that uses this method. The only unit test for this method which we can write is presented below.

public void ShouldCreateHttpStorageClientWhenRequested()
    var httpClientFactory = Substitute.For<IHttpClientFactory>();
    var options = new Options
        CorrelationIdProvider = () => Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
        UseDefaultLogging = false
    var result = httpClientFactory.GetHttpStorageClient(options);

We can only assert the type of returned object. We cannot check if options were correctly passed or if an extended HTTP client factory was called at all during the process of httpStorageClient creation. Despite having 100% code coverage, we do not know if our extension method behaves correctly. Defects that can slip through are serious:

  • We cannot check if we used correct logging. Imagine a situation that you were sure that custom logging was used in your solution, but someone changed UseDefaultLogging to true for testing purposes and pushed this code to production. Now your client is calling that he wired a transfer but does not see money on the receiving end. You are logging into the system and see no logs and do not know what happened and how to explain it to your client. You could catch this problem by proper unit testing of the GetHttpStorageClient extension method.
  • We cannot be sure that we will correctly fill in correlation ID in requests and have problems with troubleshooting when code is running in production.

Let's now move to the code of a class that is using this extension method.

public class HttpDataRetriever
    private readonly IHttpClientFactory _httpClientFactory;
    public HttpDataRetriever(IHttpClientFactory httpClientFactory)
        _httpClientFactory = httpClientFactory;
    public Data GetData()
        var options = new Options
            UseDefaultLogging = false
        var httpStorageClient = _httpClientFactory.GetHttpStorageClient(options);
        return httpStorageClient.ReadAll();

Unit testing GetHttpStorageClient extension method was hard and the test had some limitations. But unit testing code that uses GetHttpStorageClient is impossible. We cannot mock the creation of Bootstrapper object as it is created directly in the extension method body. Current implementation of GetHttpStorageClient makes unit testing of its consumers impossible. Imagine a situation where GetHttpStorageClient is used in several other components. Now you do not have only one place which is hard to test, but you have several different components that cannot be tested, and defects can slip through very easily.

Mighty villain achieved it only with one line of code!

 Wrap up

You have seen some examples of extension methods, how they can be tested, and how they impact testability of a code in which they are consumed. If you want to write extension methods which are always good citizens, the following rules are for you:

  • Keep your extension methods simple; they should not be complicated
  • Remember that the extension method cannot be mocked; unit tests for a class that is using it will test both this class logic and extension method's logic
  • Create extension methods to enrich types not to alter their behavior
  • Do not create a new object inside extension methods
  • Remember about code that will be using extension methods; if you will be able to write unit test for it, it means you've done a great job

Happy extending and testing!
