• Ensuring consistency in development, promoting code reusability and encouraging the use of transversals tools.
  • Participating in study, estimation and slicing of the backlog into user stories.
  • Developing high-quality new features while adhering to software craftsmanship and DevOps best practices.
  • Identifying and resolving bugs to enhance system performance and reliability.
  • Documenting architectural decisions and technical choices to ensure clarity and maintainability.
  • Engaging in knowledge-sharing activities within the program community.
  • Working in an international environment - fluent English is required.
  • Synchronization and sharing with international teams.
  • Advocating for simplicity in solutions and delivering incremental improvements.
  • Ensuring adherence to best practices, including Test-Driven Development (TDD), Behavior-Driven Development (BDD), documentation and Architectural Decision Records (ADR).

  • Salary based on B2B contract (via Devire)
  • Benefits package (medical healthcare, sports membership, etc.)
  • Possibility to cooperate with an international company with a stable market position
  • Long-term cooperation

  • Minimum 5 years of professional experience
  • Strong experience with Angular 15
  • Proficiency in Java 17 and Spring Framework
  • Experience with Oracle&PostgreSQL databases
  • Knowledge of Hexagonal Architecture
  • Familiarity with ELK Stack
  • Experience with CI/CD/Dev Tools: GIT, Docker/Kubernetes, Jenkins, Private cloud (VM)
  • Ability to work in an Agile development environment

Jesteśmy Devire – firmą rekrutacyjną, której celem jest łączenie świetnych ludzi ze świetnymi pracodawcami.

Niezależnie czy rozglądasz się za nową pracą na stałe czy projektem w formie współpracy B2B – możesz polegać na naszym wsparciu na każdym kroku.

Współpracujemy z pracodawcami z terenu całej Polski i realizujemy rekrutacje we wszystkich kluczowych obszarach technologicznych.