T-Mobile Polska S.A.

  • To build the best team in the industry our HR IT landscape needs to become digital, fast and simple across the group. Our mission includes creating a seamless user experience, based on a clean data base with well exploited HR tech platforms. We are looking for tech-savvy people to join our team on this exciting journey that feel comfortable in a HR business context.
  • In this role you would support the rollout of our global skill intelligence platform Eigthfold. With this platform we aim to achieve transparency over the skills of our employees and drive skill transformation and internal mobility within the group. It is among our top HR priorities in terms of strategy.
  • You coordinate all implementation activities with the local entities. This includes: Demoing the solution so local coordinators understand the solution in-and out, run scoping workshop, coordinate integration activities, coordinate change management activities, coordinate testing (UAT) and coordinate cutover to production.
  • You are end responsible for the implementation timeline and all associated steps and will flag risks and opportunities.
  • In the Eightfold team we have experts for integrations, change management, privacy and operations. You would coordinate for your implementation the different stream activities and bring the respective colleagues in for that.
  • You steer the vendor for any configuration needs or testing/cutover preparations.
  • You determine the project approach and define clear responsibilities within the project.
  • You plan and coordinate project resources in line with functional requirements and the project's scope.
  • You will be responsible for project budgeting and planning as well as regular updates.
  • You initiate improvements to optimize project processes, activities and systems.
  • You will be responsible for the evaluation, communication and mitigation of risks as well as target group-specific communication.

Working at T Hub will offer you a unique and highly rewarding experience on IT market. As a leader in the telecommunications industry, we do not only provide a platform to hone your technical skills but also empower you to be a catalyst for innovation.

You'll have the opportunity to work at the forefront of modern technologies, from 5G to IoT and AI, shaping the future of connectivity.


  • No dress code - you can just be yourself here.
  • Medical, sport and life insurance packages at preferential terms.
  • Access to: Percipio, Coursera, Rodos learning platforms.
  • Access to our products and services at preferential terms.
  • Employment contract-based cooperation.
  • Know Talent - receive training or financial bonus for recommending new employees.


  • You are experienced in implementing IT solutions.
  • You bring a hands-on mentality. For example; if a test data set is needed to support entity testing, you would quickly create one.
  • You are organized in planning implementation steps and align with all relevant stakeholders.
  • You are a team player.
  • You like working on ambitious projects that try to make an impactful change.
  • Very good experiences in classic and agile forms of cooperation.
  • Excellent experience in the management of strategically oriented projects.
  • Comprehensive knowledge of the market, technology and competitor environment in the information technology and telecommunications industry, including digital transformation.
  • Very good analytical and conceptual skills.
  • Very good experience as a project manager or sub-project manager in planning, preferably in an agile environment.
  • Detailed know-how in the use of agile methods such as SCRUM and Lean.
  • German C1.


A fair approach to all people who want to join T Hub means that:

  • The recruitment process is transparent;
  • Our recruitment decision is based solely on an assessment of your skills (your race, skin color, sexual orientation, gender identity, origin, disability, political view, appearance, or religion will not have any influence on the outcome of the process);
  • Regardless of the outcome of the process, you will get detailed feedback.

Najważniejsze są doświadczenia naszych klientów – indywidualnych, biznesowych oraz wewnętrznych w ramach T-Mobile. Sami budujemy i rozwijamy rozwiązania, pracujemy z szerokim stack'iem technologicznym, automatyzujemy, działamy tu i teraz, bo każda mikrosekunda ma znaczenie, kiedy mówimy o sieci.

CI/CD, CX, agile to nasz magentowy sposób pracy. W tym roku głównie stawiamy na: krótszy time to market, cloudyfikację, modernizację sieci, rozwój 5G, stworzenie systemu informowania o awariach, zmniejszanie liczby reklamacji i wzrost stabilności sieci. Ty też możesz być częścią naszej technologicznej transformacji!

Szukasz pracy? Sprawdź co nowego na magentateam.pl i aplikuj, aby samemu doświadczyć naszych magentowych możliwości.